Below is a list of clinics in Colorado that offer low-cost spay and neuter. Many of them also offer low-cost wellness or vet care. Please contact them for details.
Animal Friends Alliance (Fort Collins)
Bergan Spay and Neuter (hold clinics all over CO) spay and neuter only
Cats Alive! SLV (Alamosa) spay and neuter only
Denver Kittens (free spay and neuter for owned cats in 80226 or TNR in Denver Metro area)
Downtown Animal Care Center (Denver)
Dumb Friends League at CSU (Denver) owned cats
Dumb Friends League Leslie Malone Center (Denver) feral cats for TNR - call 303.751.5772. to make an appointment
Feline Fix (Denver) cats only
Guardian Angel Veterinary Care (Westminster)
Humane Society of South Platte (Littleton)
Metro Cat Street Team (only zip codes 80204, 80216, 80219, 80223, 80239)
Monarch Animal Health Center (Westminster) also holds TNR days once a month
NoCo Spay and Neuter (Berthoud) spay and neuter only
Pet Care Coalition (Aurora)
Planned Pethood (Wheat Ridge)
Spay Today (Lakewood)
Soul Dog Rescue (Fort Lupton)